She is the daughter of my 8th Great Grandfather, George MacCall who came to America in 1670 and was married to Ann Hepburn.
Hannah married Phillip Clarke and in 1698 a Force of men under command from William III King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland

William III of England - Sir Godfrey Kneller
Her neighbor Robert Mason's wife who also received the Force of men who were also there to apprehend her husband gave them this response. She grabbed a sword, brandished it at the men and told them that she would be the death of any man that touched her husband.
Elizabeth Wilson another neighbor after turning the men away see them taking a horse. She storms out the door with a large knife and tells the man holding the horse that she will cut his hand if he does not release the animal and to the Force of men she informs them that his excellency the Governor can kiss her arse.
A warrant is later issued for Elizabeth to be taken into custody to answer for her contempt.
The crime of the men? Well it starts with wicked seditious and rebellious practices and designs. They are also accused of being disloyal. They are in contempt of the laws and authority of the Provence of Maryland. One of the charges says they are Rebelliously Endeavoring to disturb and disquiet His Majesties Government and to seduce and withdraw the minds and affections of His Majesties good subjects from their obedience due to this government by His Majesties Royal Authority.
There eventually are 9 separate charges brought upon Phillip.
What starts all this drama is a debate about a Priest sitting in a position of Authority. it gets so out of hand that Phillip who is an attorney is asked to no longer practice because he states that a man's religious preference should have no bearing on his ability to sit at a governing body even if the ruling monarch is a Protestant.
Loving my Scottish kin.

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