Lillian Augustus Comstock worked her entire life at Newsam Brothers Coal Company in Peoria, Illinois. She held several positions within the Company mainly as their Book Keeper, Cashier and Treasurer. Her father David Augustus Comstock was also a Book Keeper from 1865 after the Civil War to 1874 in Leavenworth, Kansas. Lillian was born in Leavenworth, Kansas on 29 December 1870. After her father died when she was just 4 her mother, Anna Lee Gosling moved them to Quincy, Illinois into the home of her widowed Mother. In 1894 Lillian is living in Peoria and working as a Book Keeper. From 1894 - 1910 Newsam Brothers operated coal mines named Newsam No. 2 Coal Mine and New Star No. 2 Coal Mine. In 1895 New Star No. 2 mine was a shaft mine 175 feet deep with a coal vein of 4 feet 4 inches. In 1896 Newsam Brothers Coal Company leases Star Mine from The Consolidated Coal Company of St. Louis. Through the years the Newsam Brothers operate coal mines around Peoria County Illinois. Exactly 58 years to the day after her birth on 29 December 1928 Lillian dies.
On Wednesday 24 November 1915, Mary Ellen Yates the wife of John Wesley Lockhart gave birth to Beulah Pauline Lockhart in Wirt County, West Virginia. At this same time Pristina, a capital city in Kosovo fell to Bulgarian Forces. No, none of this is related. Just a world timeline stamp. In August of 1938 Beulah married Travis Ignatius Clarence Parsons II. She was 22, he was 37 and she was his second marriage. He brought a daughter named Nancy to the new family and together Beulah and Travis had 4 more children. They lived in Charleston, West Virginia for several years and later settled in Glen Morgan, Raleigh County, West Virginia. In the late 1950's Beulah and Travis started breeding Collies on their 17 acre farm. Travis was a having health problems and this was a project he could do at home to help supplement his income. It was in late October of 1959 that a neighbor complained the dogs barking gave her hives and sued Beulah and Travis. 17 November 1959 the trial was under way and made the front page of the local paper just below the fold, "Barking Collies Jury Impaneled". The entire jury was loaded on a bus and escorted to Glen Morgan to view the Collie farm before the trial started. The Plaintiff made a homemade recording of the barking which Beulah's attorney immediately had thrown out as it was not a documented professional certified recording and therefore could have been tampered with. Beulah's attorney had 17 witnesses lined up to testify regarding the noise levels alone. The plaintiff's attorney claims she has to be heavily sedated in order to sleep. On day 3 of the trial the Plaintiff leaves the courthouse before the trial resumes claiming she is too ill from the barking dogs. However it is brought up in court that she had been involved in a "scuffle" in the courthouse corridor with the daughter of a witness for the defense. Not to mention that the Plaintiff's daughter admitted publicly at the courthouse that her Mother had a "nervous" condition that was pre-existing. The jury decides for Beulah and on the afternoon of 19 November 1959 court is over. Let's ring the outside dinner bell over at the Plaintiff's home and get those dogs to barking!
In October 1961 Beulah's husband, Travis dies. She marries again in 1962 to a man named Lawson Henry Reed and in May 1973 Beulah's divorce is final as she resumes her name as Beulah Lockhart Parsons. At the age of 88 in June of 2002 Beulah passes.
In the ever fascinating world of Ghosts of my Clans I decided to switch it up and my eyes fell upon the name Morgan. I am today going to hunt the Ghost Morgan Given. He is a 1st cousin 4x removed. We share a Very Great Grandfather William Given. Morgan one of 13 children was born 1848 in Virginia and is the son of James Given and Ruth his wife. At the age of 2 he is living with his family in the area of Braxton, Virginia. In 1860 Morgan is 12, still living in Braxton and attends school. In 1867 Morgan's mother dies and in 1870 there are still 6 children in the home the youngest is only 5. Morgan helps his father maintain and run the farm. In December of 1872 Morgan marries Melsena Friend in Clay County, West Virginia. In 1873 Morgan's first child is born. He lives only 8 months. 1880 we find Morgan in Birch, Braxton County, West Virginia farming with his wife and 2 young sons. Morgan is still living in Birch by 1900 and working his farm with his 4 sons. In June of 1907 Morgan passes.